CrossFit strong

CrossFit Fitness goals
Recently turning 44 and feeling so great in my body I wanted to do a little physical self-evaluation. A measure of my fitness and health so that I could work to improve all of it

Today I ran ¼ mile in 82 sec. last time I timed this 400m sprint it was 94 sec. I then continued to work with my dead lift, (which I haven’t been working on due to a torn hamstring.) Today my dead lift is at 205, hamstring feels great. The work out its self was Angie, 100 pull ups, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups and 100 squats.

All of these things were inaccessible as a young person. My 20 something body had no idea how to move properly and definitely didn’t have the strength to do all of this work in one day, in my case 1 hr. I am so pleased that all of this is now apart of my everyday life and my world has become so fun.

Due to CrossFit my fitness level has sky rocketed. I feel confident about being able to jump into any activity and perform well.
Hiking with friends I was able to run up the mountain and jump over logs. Dropping into an advanced aerial silks class, again performance levels were spectacular. Mountain biking spontaneously for a 10 mile trek no problem. Walking miles across a city is a pleasure.
I love to challenge myself with physical goals, like being able to do a pull up. Now 100 of them in a work out is no big deal. Jumping high from a stand still, I am currently at 42” from a flatfooted position, and working on it.  I recently wanted to climb the 15’ rope with no legs and was able to pull my self all the way to the top with only my hands.  I love setting physical goals that make me push my self beyond my comfort zone.
Currently I’m working on handstand walking and cleaning my own body weight.

I'm telling you all of this to paint a picture of what being fit feels like. I want you to notice my size shape weight has nothing to do with any of this feeling. My life has forever shifted to a measure of what I can do with my body, not what I weigh/look like/eat don’t eat/ etc.
Fitness can feel wonderful if you let it. If you look at it with an intention to improve your overall wellness and experience of life.  Every day can be exciting, challenging, and inspiring.

Being strong feels amazing, there are so many women who tell me that they don’t want to work out because they don’t want to get big. I totally understand. My argument is working out wont make you big, eating garbage all day will.

I did recently measure my body weight(something I rarely do) I  am happy to report I’m 5’8, 150 lbs, 22%body fat and feeling better than I can ever remember.

 This year has been a full year of trials and life changing events and being physical has been the best form of therapy on the planet.

My challenge to you, find something you love to do that’s physical that will require you to move and lift and stretch and just do it. Make it a priority and I promise if you do this every day you will be so happy with yourself. Confidence will rise and you will be able to tackle life with a exhilaration that will amaze you.
Good luck now get to work!


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