Superlove Superdome

Superdome Super Love
2008 I was invited to teach yoga in the superdome. At that point I had been teaching for almost a decade and was honored and excited to be one on the many teachers invited. Eve Ensler the creator of the Vagina Monologues had wanted to turn the Super dome into a super love event in honor of her monologue productions 10 year anniversary. She chose the superdome because of the tragic events that occurred there during the Hurricane Katrina. The intention was to invite all those who survived the horrific catastrophe and bring them in for a new experience of love and nurturing. The wellness suites were filled with massage therapists and yoga teachers, aromatherapy, meditation and beauticians.
The superdome was turned into a giant pink vagina. We got to be inside the walls, sharing love with all those who entered.
My experience was profound. As these women came to me to learn yoga I felt like they were teaching me, they each brought tremendous strength with them.  The energy in the room was electrically charged. My hair would stand up and chills would run through my skin randomly. These women shared stories of abuse, of rape of murder of powerlessness of witnessing death and destruction. They had been locked in the superdome for many days after the hurricane waiting for assistance and instead they waited in the dark with out food or water. They witnessed mass chaos and attack of the many people in the building. They told stories of dead bodies in the corners and no place to use the bathroom. They crouched in fear trying to protect their children.  Crying, screaming fighting for days.
Being invited back into the Superdome was like being asked to walk into a nighterror. It took courage for these ladies to come back into these walls. They were so brave to allow for us little yoga teachers to lead them through postures that would bring up all the memories they were trying so hard to loose.

The event was so potent for me, I felt like something in me could take all this pain, I could feel the anguish, I could sit with these women and hold their hands and cry with them and then as we cried the pain would dissipate. Being heard and understood and given space to express was helping these ladies let go. I felt like a filter, a sifter, a container of energy. As the charge would move through me I empathized and felt their sorrow, I could ground the experience through my body releasing it from them.
Being a person of compassion for complete and total strangers led me to understand that all of us can do this for anyone at any time if we intend to.
Love is supreme and the SuperLove Superdome worked its magic.
I am grateful.  


  1. yogi soul sister and roommate. touched, moved & inspired. i will never forget.
    when i find more pics i will send. xoxo love you buddy. namaste~

    1. yay! you read~ It was an amazing event so glad I got to share it with you!!! love you lady


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