
Imagining my life in hindsight.
Seeing from the view of an elderly woman looking back at a life well lived. I imagine how I will feel when it’s all over. I imagine how full my heart will feel from all the love shared and all the time spent. I imagine my children and grandchildren in their happy lives living fully and loving completely. I see many memories of trips and walks I see dinners and movies, holidays, birthdays, weddings and deaths. I imagine business ventures that paid off. I see vacations to exotic places. I imagine a multitude of friends and extended family. I see parties and get-togethers.  I hear laughter. I feel open hearts. I feel gratitude for clarity and memory. I imagine putting on music and dancing my healthy old body around preparing my self for the transition into the otherworld. I feel complete knowing that I cherished my moments and the people in them. I feel full knowing that my love and wisdom touched many and they are now better for it. I have a sweet satisfied smile on my face knowing that I lived every day through my heart connected to spirit.
"Surrender" I tell myself, "let go", this world has lived you and has breathed you, has moved you and brought you delight. Now it is time to have a new adventure. I imagine the feeling of slipping out of my body like unzipping a beautiful evening gown and stepping out.

Looking from this perspective I feel gratitude. I realize that living with love and joy is the most important element of a life well lived. The physical has no real meaning only the relationships the friendships the people.

Keeping this in mind my day will move from a future memory to the present of cherishing all of those around me. Sharing love and kindness is all that matters.


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