Enjoy all of it

Something in me said to stop searching and just live now. Take a big breath and be present. Feel your skin, smell the air, taste your sweet mouth, see what’s in front of you, hear the wonderful world around you right now and sense the world unseen. Everything un-folds as it needs to there’s no rush. Those things that I desire are already in motion and do exist at a future time or they would not be in my mind and heart. Slow down this is the only reality in this moment. Allow this future self to guide you. 
It’s as if the future part of me already has a hold, she is like a fisherman with a beautiful cast she has gently hooked me and is reeling me toward the future self. It is possible to just allow this reeling to bring me forward to call my self into the next moment and the next but I must stay present now or I will miss the gift of now. Now is all there is. The rush to get to another place is a road- block to that place, and pushing to go there will only inhibit there from happening. Slow down and enjoy. Enjoy all of it. 


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