This scary hateful word
crossed my mind recently
What came about because of
this thought was liberating, soulful, connecting, mind altering for me.
Let me explain. I’ve been
putting together a teachers training program, for my yoga school. Daily research
into books and teachers and words of insight has been my morning ritual. I love
learning, and challenging my self to continuously go deeper into the unknown of
my personality, my limitations and beliefs.
It would only make sense that
as I create a transformation program for others I too will have to feel the
fires of transformation.
Reading through the Warrior
Goddess Training by Heatherash Amara, I discovered that I don’t like women. In fact it has been a much
stronger feeling than dislike more like hatred. Now I know that even admitting
to this there are a lot of women in my life that would reject this statement
because I do love them dearly. However, as I dig into the limiting mental
programs that I have lived by, I can see there is a program called women are
second-class; emotional, victims of uncertainty, only as good as their youth
and beauty, they are petty and untrustworthy, unreliable and powerless.
As I searched into this
hidden resentment towards women I realized that this belief has been keeping me
from being powerful, lovable, trustworthy, because I am a woman. I have had a
sob story for most of my life called “no-body-likes me”…. Geez… the truth was I
don’t like me. Looking for a role model a powerful lovely woman who can be my
muse my inspiration my teacher and friend. I see so many lovely ladies around
me all curiously strong, intelligent, loving. My old programed belief was
keeping me from noticing.
Pandora’s box has been
opened, and what lay at the bottom of all the evil is hope. I feel this hope. I
am awakened and know that by seeing this part of me I can now lovingly bring
this judgmental fragment of myself back to the whole. I can reprogram this old
hatful belief with anything I choose.
I choose Love
I choose friendship
I choose sisterhood
I choose adoration
I choose community
I choose acceptance
I choose power
I choose inspiration
I choose Magic.
Thank you Heatherash Amara
Your laying bare vulnerability is beautiful and inspiring. And now the healing begins. I see the Goddess in you. xxoo