Ducks in water
Duck in water
We have these fuzzy little
ducks. We bought a pair from the local tractor supply store as an experiment of
our ability to raise a couple birds for our pond. They have been living in our
garage in a pen of hay under a heat lamp. Each day they grow a little and
develop new feathers. After a month of being land animals, and waddling around
on their weird little feet, I decided it was time to let them swim.
At first I was a little
worried since there wasn’t a mother duck to teach them to swim. What if they
didn’t know what to do. What if they didn’t know they were ducks and instead
thought they were dogs since the only animals they have been around were my 5
dogs. What if they drown? We carefully placed them in my huge soaker tub and
whaalaa. They swam brilliantly. They floated,they dove, they chased each other
around the tub squawking in delight. They were made to swim, their weird little
feet that could only waddle on land were perfectly graceful in water. Watching these beautiful creatures do what
they were made to do was a purely joyful experience.
We were all made brilliantly;
there are no mistakes in this world. We were each given something we shine at,
something that comes easily, something we enjoy doing. The key is to embrace
that something instead of making it wrong. Could you imagine if my ducks
thought they were messed up dogs and never touched the water. Could you imagine if they judged themselves
for having weird feet and felt insecure about swimming.
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