Let it be
let It be

Here I am loving this life
Here I am loving my children
Here I am diving into my fear
and coming out the other side
Here I am realizing that I
have more power than I could have ever imagined
Here I am sitting at my
laptop after three days of absolute depression talking to you.
Here I am calling my self
When I get caught up in the
emotions of being sad and being defeated not much gets done, all I want to do is
drink to avoid my pain. I see now that this pattern is a vicious cycle and the
avoiding of my experience is something I’ve done since the beginning of me.
I needed to go to this pit in
order to see my habit of avoiding.
It’s a defense mechanism.
It’s a survival technique. The funny thing is I will not survive, none of us
will. Why am I working so hard at it? This is the game. This is what I’m here
for. The experience of what I am not, so that I may know what I am.
I am not that sad little girl
who hides and avoids life. In fact it is quite the opposite. I am a powerful
woman who loves completely, who can do anything she puts her heart and mind to.
I am that woman who knows who we all are and lives accordingly. I savor this
sweet life and every breath. Every movement is complete magic, even the ones
when I forget. This forgetting is actually the game I play. Forgetting who I am.
Forgetting what I am capable of. Forgetting who the people around me are. Forgetting
why we are here. This forgetting is like a thick fog that rolls in over the
mountains and settles into the valley of my distorted mind.
What to do?
simply Be
be in the fog
be in the distortion
be me and know everything changes
be and let it be
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