Medium reading

Talking with a medium,
In march 2018 I talked to a sweet lady who is a psychic medium. We had a phone conversation about my daughter who had passed away 6 weeks prior. The conversation was so helpful and comforting. She most definitely had Juliana clearly coming through and the things we discussed were undeniable. I chose to talk with her again and made an appointment. We spoke in September 19 months after Julianas passing.  This medium had no idea who I was and in no way would remember me specifically because she reads thousands of people yearly.
The words that came through were surprisingly similar to the first reading. There were a few new messages about animals and what she's working on in Heaven. I did my best to transcribe the conversation to share with all of you.
 (side note: these conversations seem a little scattered but what I leaned about people who speak to spirit is they must continue to talk out loud and say what ever random thing that pops into their mind to keep the link with spirit strong).

Hello this is Elizabeth, 
Hello this is Sariah how are you? 
I'm fine thank you. have I ever read for you before?
Yes you have over a year ago.
Do you have a copy of that is there something I need to look into?
Well I was hoping you could communicate with somebody who you were able to communicate with before.
OK, i’ll see what comes over me.
You lost a parent figure? A grandmother.
I can’t pick and choose, I just have to see what comes to me. I'm picking up your grand mother she’s likely trying to help me to help you.
When I tune into the spirit world  anything can happen at any given time anyone can come through
So your grandmothers come in to help me to help you, where you close to her?
No I wasn’t I hardly knew her
So you didn’t really know her
She was alright, she was better than what you have been told.
She told it as it was here, sometimes she was a bit too sharp, that's what she said.
Also did you have a male, I see a male figure come around me now. 
There is a male we were not close.
OK sometimes there is a family gathering coming up, families get in touch with one another through birth death and marriages.
I just feel a lot of love around you, I really do. Did you have a friend that passed over?

I hear a dog barking. 
We have some dogs up there.
You must of had some dogs that have gone over to heaven, I can hear a dog barking.
Were you brought up w a dog?
Ive had lots of dogs.
Old and young some one has got an animal that was really fond of you,  

I feel this lady around me all the time and I don’t know who she is.
I don’t know if she’s a partner or a best friend I don’t really know but she went tragically.
Yes this is the one were talking about.
She’s trying to get through all the people, she must of loved animals.
Yes absolutely
She said she’s got all the animals over there.
She said she went tragically, she didn’t expect it, she didn’t see it coming.
She said one minute she was here the next minute she was gone. 
She didn’t really have time to say good by to everyone.
Who found her?
She said help was there but it was too late.
Yes there were witnesses.
She said she was more shocked .She went quite quickly, It must of happened in a second because she was out of her body quite quick. She was watching what was going on but she said she didn’t think it was her fault.
We know it wasn’t her fault and I know your talking to my daughter
Ahhh ahhh so she’s saying it wasn’t her fault .She would own up to everything but to this she said it wasn’t my fault. 
No we think she was sleeping
She’s with another young person over in heaven. 
There's another young spirit around her who was that.? 

Your daughter was beautiful.
The one she’s with he went tragically as well.
She said he was very sensitive.
He was a nice boy actually.
He’s been keeping an eye on someone in his family that has been sick. 

Have you sill got her jacket? 
She liked nice clothes.
Was she gonna be a teacher? She said she’s teaching kids in heaven
she loved children.
She’s teaching them fun and music and dance.
All the things she liked.
She said she didn’t see that coming all she remembered is bang. 
What happened to her?
She was in a car accident she fell asleep. 
She said she didn’t see it coming she didn’t feel a thing she can’t remember much about it.
No pain what so ever she was out of her body before they found her. 
You know the body that was in the morgue wasn’t her. 
Did you travel with her ashes to all the nice places she liked to go?
We have and still have plans to travel more.
She’s been with you she said I'm in the beach I'm in the mountains I'm in someones garden.
She said I'm everywhere.
She liked music.
She loved music
She was in her teens, ahh god love her, she made a difference over in heaven you know
she said she couldn’t cook.
She said she tried now and again, it was awful.
She’s around young people. 
She said she was in the university of life. She was into reflexology, alternative therapies massage, she was into body mind and soul.
She was into all the creative stuff
She helps little kids over to heaven there.
She around babies she always wanted to have lots of children.
She certainly has lots of children now.
Who had cancer?
Is there a grandparent figure?
She said its her fathers father.
She said she’s met up with him, she’s not around him all the time but she’s telling me to tell you she met up with him.
He must of really liked you.
That's a surprise, he didn’t show it. 
He didn’t like anybody that's what she said. He was always grumpy, he’s gone back to the young handsome man he was years ago.
Nobody is old in heaven.
Your daughters talking about her dad was she close to her father?
They had some difficulties. 
He used to get on her nerves.
He used to drive her crazy when she would argue with him.
He always thought he knew everything and he didn’t.
She wouldn’t have it, she wouldn’t let him get away with it. He would argue but she still loved him but he did drive her crazy. 
Are you two still together? 
No were not 
She said that would be a disaster.
She said she lives on through you. There has always been a strong bond with you two, she was very like you.
She was 19, at 19 you don’t know what you want, you’d argue with yourself.
She said she loves people.  Know for a fact that she’s in your heart and you’ll never get rid of her.
 Have you got three children
I have three now and Julianna 
and you’ve got your daughter in heaven

Did you have a miscarriage? Remember I said to you she’s with family, she’s with other young people.
That child you thought you lost is a guardian angel. When she passed over he helped her over. She would of known him because they were so linked , she would of known that was her brother. he was waiting for her.
So you’ve got another one in heaven as well that's what she said “mom you know that.”
Have you got her necklace?
Why is she showing me a necklace?
And shoes, shoes, shoes  they fit you?

Who’s a Gemini?
What happened in June?
I have a friend who is a Gemini , I wanted to ask you because he had some sweet little animals that died and he wanted to know if they were with Juliana.
Remember I said there's all kinds of animals around her.
I know your  Gemini friend, she’s got his animals with her. 
She’s got at least three of his 
All little, she likes them.
None of them are old you know.
She’s got kids and she’s got animals around her and you need to tell your Gemini friend that all the animals are in the animal kingdom. The people that loved animals while they were on the earth they sit for hours and watch them play. 
They were his babies he loved those, he was devastated every time he lost one.
Animals are psychic some are more psychic then people, and the know about your daughter and the know about her love. They know your friends with him, they're calling him their dad, he was dad and mom.
He’ll love to hear that.
Who used to go horse riding?
It you when you were younger?
She’s gone back down memory lane finding all about you.
When you go over you’ll reincarnate with her again.
There's never loss only a transition to another state of consciousness.
Your daughter was meant to go to heaven. 
Your gonna have grand children I see in five years time.
You’ll have at least three that's for sure, shell hold their spirits before they come here.
Have you dreamt about her since I spoke to you last?
All the time
Ah ha, she said she’s been coming to you in dreams.
She’s concerned about you trying to record your dreams.
The youngest one she’s gong through her clothes  I hear new York new York. Your daughter has got something to do with new York.
You got creative energy in your family, there's one over in heaven that could sew as well, your daughters met up with her. I see patterns and dresses she said she had to sew to keep everyone looking nice. Your daughters met up with her. 
That would be my grandma

Your daughter is showing me a picture you have in your house. She’s got on a beautiful dress. She said when you think about her look at that picture cuz that's the way she is now.
That's the way she looks now.
She always looks after her brother and her sisters,
 and there still steeling her clothes.

There's a wedding coming up a family gathering. I see new people coming into your life, in a few years time somebody nice will pay you attention, your daughter will do her utmost to send him your way. 
OK I have to go.



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