Meditation Soup

I was invited by a lovely gentleman to attend a sound meditation. 
The evening was set up in a local museum and we would be bathed in vibration by a few amazing performers. Crystal bowls and drums, chimes, flutes, string instruments, didgeridoo, and even an instrument that sounded like waves crashing. 

I arrived with a gorgeous friend of mine, a Brazilian woman with a fun spunky demeanor and fantastic accent. She and I met with the gentleman and the three of us made a makeshift space, combining blankets and yoga mats in order to cushion our backs on the marble floor. 

The lights went out and the music started. We All laid in silence absorbing the tones of the different instruments played in random. The music was pure vibration, it had such a chaotic quality to it that I fell into a deep trance . I think the purpose was to enjoy each bizarre sound as it appeared and not to follow along with any particular tone or melody. Allowing for our bodies to relax and our minds to move deeply into a meditative state. 

At first I noticed my body heavily sinking into the cold floor. The floor seemed to disappear as my awareness expanded. I could feel many layers of my being emerge. It was as if each layer was attracted to a particular tone and it would rise above the heavy body laying on the floor. 
I imagined if I were a food I would be a lasagna, only all the layers were not touching they were floating slightly above the next.  Each layer absolutely necessary for the whole. The top layer was watching all the other layers and entertained with my food analogy. 

As the music moved around the room, I felt myself following the notes. I wanted to merge with the sound. The music showed me an empty room in my mind, My Juliana was there. I could see her dazzling smile and hear her infectious laugh. She was with me enjoying my little experiment with vibration. She loves music. 
I sat with my angel daughter for most of the event basking in her warm glow. 

I then imagined myself as a ripple in the sea, I am the cresting wave standing high above the body of water wanting to express my unique qualities to all the beach goers. Knowing that my wave is about to crash. Knowing that I am apart of the whole ocean and will always be. 

 Finally as the evening began to move towards its end I heard apart of myself wanting to describe this event. 
(another food analogy) 
I saw a bowl of alphabet soup. I described this Sound bath as a bowl of delicious alphabet soup. This made me laugh at myself. Why soup? 
The many random sounds all necessary for the experience. Just like all the ingredients in a bowl of soup.
That part of me that needed to make sense of all of it was also the part trying to read the letters in the soup. The soup isn’t meant for reading it’s meant for eating.  The soup of an evening was meant to nourish my soul, to vibrate through my cells and remind me that 
I am apart of the whole.  
We all are. 


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