Coffee and Burlesque

He basically laughed at my
statement then said Its not my addiction to caffeine that I need to change its
my passion. I need to find a reason to get out of bed in the morning. I am
looking to be lit on fire with desire and excitement. I am craving vitality and
drive. My excuses are what are weighing me down and making my mind feel
lethargic. My reasons for not living an inspired life are keeping me in bed and
Coffee has nothing to do with it.
He challenged me to get
really big. To live a life that others can see for miles away because it’s so
bright. He challenged me to take on projects that scare the hell out of me and
then watch how my mornings go.
His words were harsh and so
This morning
I woke at 6am wide eyed and
excited to get moving on my day. No need for coffee, (I drank it anyway, I love
coffee with whole cream) but my eyes popped open and I almost couldn’t contain
my self. I felt like jumping out of bed and working on my projects.
Seeing dance moves in my
dreams and imaging different costumes and lighting. I am feeling this thing
come to life. I can see how all the different personalities and talents are
meshing so well. Our show is going to be amazing. I imagine being on stage and
my heart starts racing it feels a little like being scared but I think its
actually excitement.
Isn’t that the definition of
courage, to be afraid of something and do it anyway.
Here’s to your day, find one
thing that challenges you, pushes you beyond your limits and beliefs and DO IT.
I want to hear all about it!
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