back to the nothing
Whats in the middle of each
of us when you get deep enough? Nothing! This Nothing is the empty void we all
emerge from, it is what we all go back to and it is inevitable.
However we are in the time of
the onion peeling so peel away.
Each layer of this delicate
skin represents a question or issue we enjoy playing with, my layer was about
worth and value and the measure of success.
I asked around for others to
answer taking a pole of opinion, this is what I got.
What makes a person valuable?
The answers are all over the
board. Mostly what people agreed on was that value can only come from the
person. Each individual must determine his or her own value. The way to knowing
this is through self worth the way to self worth is through loving the self.
The way to love the self is through acceptance and looking inward for
appreciation and acknowledgement.
What is the measure of
success? There were many answers and most were the same thing, Loving the life
you live.
What I got from asking is
that we all have a need to be connected appreciated, adored, acknowledged. And even though these things come from inside
of us we use each other as mirrors. The people we interact with will reflect
exactly what we see in ourselves. When we look outside and see beauty that’s
because a part of us is recognizing our own beauty. When we see anger betrayal
its because there is a very real part of ourselves that is angry and betraying
our own nature. The process is magnificent when we tap into what is really
going on. Every interaction in our experience is to bring us back to our
selves. Back to the nothing.
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