For the sake of it

For the sake of it I am writing to you this beautiful southern Colorado spring morning, there is no reason, there is just you and I and these words. Doing for the sake of doing. Writing for the sake of writing, loving for the sake of loving. Giving up “in order to.” Yesterday I spent most of the day cutting down fences and listening to my breath. I quietly felt as thought every stretch of barbed wire that I rolled up was in a way freeing the land. As my mind would wander some how I kept cutting and rolling this rusty spiky wire. I realized that my body doesn’t need me. My mind can be a million miles away and my body will continue on the task at hand. I also realized that when I was able to reel in my thoughts and quiet them down, that I was able to also experience the sensations of doing, breathing, moving, the ground beneath me, the birds chirping, the sun shining, and the mountains being mountains. There is something truly spectacular about just being, the mom...