Stepping into the shoes of another

For the past few weeks I’ve been trying an experiment. With each person that comes into my day, (stranger or friend)
I have been allowing my heart/mind to imagine what it is like to be that person.
 As I have a conversation with someone else I listen closely and really try to get where they are coming from. I try to understand what it is like on their side of the conversation. I try to understand how they might be feeling and what is truly driving them at that moment.
This has been magical.
 I have noticed a deeper connection with those around me.
I have noticed that the harsh judging mechanism that likes to run me has quieted down.
I have noticed a welling up of pure love and compassion for the people in my life.
I have noticed complete appreciation for the person and the circumstance that has allowed for our connection.
I have noticed a surge of energy in my daily dealings with people.

I have most importantly noticed a softening around my marriage. Actually stepping into my husband’s shoes has allowed me to feel a deep understanding of who he is and why he does what he does.

 I am left with sweet surrender, and a full heart. 


  1. Honey this is Awesosme! What precious insight and beautiful sharing. . .

    1. Thanks mom- I'm so glad your reading - love love love u


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