444 dreams

444                                                                            I have been up since 3 
I woke several times in dreams the dream recording started at 12:29 then 12:39 then 2:54 then 3:16 this is when I decided to get up take a shower then write to you. 
I am dreaming multiple dreams at the same time. The dreams are blending into each other.
There is one common denominator, me, I am watching all the dreams happen and know I’m watching. 
The people in the dream are also me and all the lives are happening at the same time. For some reason I chose to wake up in this body maybe because this is the body that will write about it.  

There is a group of friends in a living room we are all watching the stories I am dreaming about on a giant screen.

The first life is a young dark skinned girl, short brown hair; light golden eyes a purple dress. She is getting an eye exam. She is in love with her young doctor. He has black hair and looks to be middle eastern. He is wearing light blue.  They are in the office together he will be doing surgery on her later. She turns on music and he loves her choice. He is secretly in love with his patient and she is in love with him, neither can say it but both feel it. I am watching and feeling the love these two share for each other coursing through my veins. I am both the man and the woman and I am also the music that makes them fall in love. There are two other people in the room but they are invisible they are there purely to witness
Next dream. I am a young girl excited to go to a school dance. She is heavy set long light brown hair, her father is happy to help her pick out a dress. Secretly he is feeling stressed about the cost of the dress but tries to hide it. The girl can feel the worry coming from the dad and wants to choose a dress that is not too expensive. She feels bad that he has to pay. She wishes she had money. She chooses an orange dress. I say out loud wow that’s an ugly color. I feel like I can wake up into this life scenario but am happy I don’t have to, I’m happy I can just watch it and feel it and do not have to live it.
Next dream. 
I see myself holding a book its called Infinite Light. Inside the book is a description of all the different lives I have lived and ever will live and they all exist at the same time.
I see how in this one lifetime I am playing many characters and my confusion comes when I try to make one of the characters do something it is not good at. The roles alone are so diverse and each has a purpose. 
I am a mother, an artist a dancer and athlete, an magician a philosopher a theologian, a medium, a helicopter pilot, a cook, a care giver, an animal enthusiast, an animal trainer, a house cleaner a sexy goddess, a seductive lover, a playful woman, a comedian, an author, a dreamer, a wife, a roller derby chick, a traveler, a singer, an explorer, a nudist, a yogi, an aerialist, death doula, a nutritionist, a couch potato, an alcoholic, a meditator, a spiritualist, a Zen master, a counselor, a storyteller, minimalist and lover of luxury.
  I can see how confused I get when the couch potato is getting pushed to run or the comedian is trying to study flight regulations. When the philosopher goes on a date and nudist wants to drink. 

Next dream.
I see a woman asleep in a strange bed. She has a dog and a cat sleeping with her. She feels alone and lonely even though she chose to be by her self. She wanted to dive into her true self. She wanted to understand her life and the purpose of it . She has many people who would be excited to be in the bed with her and share love but she is choosing to be alone. I can feel her heart it feels like ingrown toenails. She has to dig into the discomfort to cut the tiny piece of pressure out of the corners in order to make the pain stop. The digging feels torturous but she does it anyway. She is sleeping with diamonds in her ears and even though they are uncomfortable they remind her that life is rich.  I wake up in this body she is me and I am choosing to live her life. 
I wake up shower cut the edges of my toenails, make a cup of coffee, and feed the kitty that is crying even though its 4am. I take the diamonds out of my ears. 
Now all I want to do is go back to sleep.
I guess I’ll leave the coffee.
Maybe when I wake up Ill be in a doctors office?


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