End of Life Doula
Dying with dignity~
What better way to honor our loved ones then to give them a good death.

Our group of 51 came together with the intention of being trained as death doulas. End of life doulas are the people who will assist the family and medical staff to ensure the dying person is well cared for during the final moments and into transition.
We all learned how to support the family, before, during and after the loved person has left our world. Offering love and support, but mostly presence.
There are many things the doula creates with the family and the loved one before the final moments. Including a legacy project of gathering memories and pictures stories and favorite things. Helping to facilitate the project through the process and then leaving the family with a beautiful way to remember the loved person.
We also create a vigil for the dying before and into the moments of passing. Paying special attention to surrounding environment, people present, lighting, sounds, smells, we set the stage for a beautiful farewell. Then do our best to encourage and love the person to the next world.
I personally have been drawn into this work because of an intense desire to assist others in their time of need. After experiencing the profound loss of my 19-year-old daughter and walking through the pain my self. I know with out a doubt I will be able to inspire others to move gracefully through their loss.
I want to offer comfort in any way possible, lightning the tremendous load for others.
I think this is how life works. The only true path to love and lightness, comfort and support is by first being it. By embodying these qualities and sharing with others, I get to experience the light.
I am currently in search of families who could use my assistance, (pro bono). I will be in the Stuart Florida area for a few months and will be happy to sit with your dying.
I am also available to assist in creating legacy projects for any age. We are all going to die at some point and being able to offer those left behind a way to remember us is a true gift.
Feel free to contact me personally either through this post or email sariahdance@yahoo.com
The most powerful thing we can do with our lives is, live knowing death is coming for us all.
In Love and Light~S
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