What you seek is seeking you

What you seek is seeking you~Rumi

There is a great invisible force that is working every moment to pull us into alignment with the things we desire.

Since the death of my 19 year old daughter,  I have had the desire to make a difference in the world. I want to help people. I want to inspire others to live amazing lives. I have only wanted to share love and hope and comfort. I know we are all dealing with our monsters and some times the best thing we can do is to recognize the struggle, have compassion then step boldly into the unknown. 

Yesterday I had an amazing random, (not so random) chance meeting with a lovely lady. I know with out a doubt this was a spirit appointment and she and I showed up exactly at the right place at the right time to make a difference in each others lives.
I had been on a walk and noticed a new little restaurant in the location of a building I loved many years ago. Back in the day the building was old wood, completely run down, no windows. I would dream about buying the building and turning it into something. Now all these years later it is an adorable little restaurant and I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. I kept feeling pushed to check it out. I decided a cold beverage would be nice since I had been walking in the hot Florida sun for almost an hour.
The lovely bartender greeted me, served a frosty mug, and struck up a conversation. She asked about my tattoo. 
I have a treble cleft on my chest close to my heart it was the first thing she noticed. I explained that it is in honor of my daughter who passed away 21 months ago. Her eyes got huge and started to fill with tears. She had a similar tattoo on her fore arm in honor of her dad who was also in heaven. He was a musician. I explained that my daughter was too, she loved music and played the guitar. Her dads instrument was the guitar.
She asked me how is it possible for me to be so full of energy and have such a fun outgoing demeanor after something so tragic happened. I explained that I take it as it comes. Some days are just amazing other days not so great. What I have gained from moving through this loss is love never dies. Our loved ones never really leave us. They are here all the time and being open to signs and symbols and communication has helped me feel her presence. I know life is so temporary, the pain is temporary. The best thing we can do is share love and support because everyone is going through something. 
She thanked me for sharing with her. Later I brought her a copy of my book, (SUNN)  I have a feeling ill be seeing her again. 

Now my questions here, first of all did I love that building all of those years ago because somewhere in my life’s blueprint I knew I would be meeting a special person there?

Did this woman father and my daughter join up in heaven and decided to help us meet? Are the two angels  jamming out with their guitars?


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