Words from a psychic.

As most of you know my beautiful 19 yr old daughter passed away just a few months ago. She was in a tragic car accident and died,( according to coroner), immediately on impact. The last few month have been so challenging to navigate. I have been searching for comfort and understanding and made an appointment with a psychic medium. It took 6 weeks to talk with her and I am happy I did, here are some of the words that came through. enjoy.

side note: the woman has an adorable Australian accent and some of her expressions didn't make sense but I wrote them anyway.

Who’s lost a child? I hear some one say, “I’m her child.” have you got, one in heaven?
 Your girl is well, yet she went tragically
She also said you didn’t have time to say goodbye to her.
- no-
So she’s come in today to tell you all about everything ok.
 There’s a birthday coming up? I hear happy birthday
– she just had her birthday-
You all were around for her birthday? She’s showing me roses all around the place. How old was she?
She’s beautiful
-      she was 19-
 Beautiful, she showed me her hair, she’s slick in her hair. She said to tell you she’s dancing with the angels.
Also she said you’ll never get rid of her, She lives with the other kids as well. Every time you look at one of them you’ll see her mannerisms or you’ll see her looks in somebody else. Then you’ll see somebody walking like her. She said “mom you’ll never get rid of me.”
-Ohh, great I love that –
She’s in your heart and have you got her bracelet earrings or anything? She said you’ve got little pieces of hers-

She said “one minute I was here the next minute I was gone no time to say good bye”. Is that right?
- yes-
She said she didn’t even see that coming.
- oh my ok-
She said all she remembers is one minute she’s here and the next thing “I’m in the light”
Something about parents figures grandfather on the other side
Grandparents helped her over.
There’s a lovely father figure there that helped her.
So your really in horrible grief?
-      it comes and goes-
You’ll never get over it you know, but you’ll learn to live with it. Your daughter she did give you a run for your money.
-      ha yes she did-
She said “I was a hand full” she said she didn’t realize till she went over to the other side . She said she couldn’t believe how many people paid tribute to her.
-      -wow-
“Yeah I didn’t realize how many people knew me or knew of me” she said,
“I just couldn’t believe it.”
-that’s great- 
She’s showing me balloons.
-      -yes we all just let go of balloons for her birthday-
She said she was in heaven catching them.

You’ll never get rid of her, ill tell you that.
She’s with you forever. She’s saying she’s so sorry. She’s so sorry that she left the way she did. She’s so sorry and so sorry for you know all the things she used to do, she says she realized.
On the other side she will teach young kids, she’ll play with them and teach them to dance to be happy and that’s the nature of us.
 Who found her?
    it was an accident there were two witnesses –
There was help there but it was too late. And also that accident, she said she didn’t see that coming. Did she hit a pole or skid? Oh ok she said she didn’t see it coming, was it dark?
She didn’t commit suicide.
-      -no we think she was sleeping-
She said again,” I wasn’t aware”.
Those words, her words “I wasn’t aware.”  “I didn’t see it coming.” Help came but it was too late.
She cant remember much about it. She wouldn’t remember if she was asleep.
One minute she was here and the next minute she was in the light.
That accident, she woke up to the light that’s all she remembers.
-      -I'm glad she didn’t have to feel it –
She went the way she lived.
She was a good girl.
Who’s a nurse or a teacher?
-not sure-
did she have friend whose gone into nursing or teaching?
You need to keep talking about her and encourage others to keep talking about her, she didn’t live to be forgotten.
Too big an enterprise.
She was fun there.
She really was.
She said she couldn’t believe how many people paid tribute to her, she couldn’t believe the memorial you must have had a memorial or you must have had another party for her.

Something about the beach?

Why is she talking about the beach?
-I took some of her ashes to the beach-
That’s what she’s trying to tell me. “I’m on the beach.” She must of loved going to the beach that’s for sure.
She said, “I’m everywhere” She must be everywhere.
You must of put her in a few places or people have gotten her ashes.
She said “I’m spread out.”
-      we’ve been sharing her yes-
She loved music. She liked to dance, she really did and she liked kids as well you know.
Were some of her friends going to be nurses or going into the medical field?

She liked dancing, she liked to go out you know with friends and stuff.
She did like nice clothes.

Is one of her sisters a few years older than her? And has she got a boyfriend?
Your daughters telling me she has, she seems to be saying bout time they got something sorted. (giggling)
Whether or not they’re living together or making plans but that relationship will either make or break her in the next year or two.

Do you like him?
-do I like him? oh yes I do-
She said if mom likes him he’s past the test.
She said he’s alright.
Tell your daughter safe sex.
She said when you do become a grandmother she’ll hold that babies spirit before it comes here. She’ll know when the time and she said safe sex, she doesn’t want any of them having children yet.

I can see in the next couple years a wedding someone moving house?
- you see a house?-
Yes someone’s talking about buying a house.
Is that 3 bedrooms?
I can see a pale color blue.

Your wearing something belonging to your daughter as your speaking to me?
You got a tattoo?
- ha, I do have a tattoo and it funny as you spoke I put my hand on it-
Yes she said you wear it on your heart and she said don’t get any more, tell them all not to get any more its fine. Fine with her.
Who’s called Kalei? You’ll hear from her now, your daughter said she’s all right.
And who’s got the A name?
-Alyssa? -
I saw a big A who is Alyssa?  ahh she must b going through hell as well cuz she’s also getting a rose.
Yeah your daughter loves everybody. They may not of thought it when she was here, but she certainly can see that she loved all her family, she still does.
She’s with grand parents.
Were you close to your grandmother on your mums side? She has really nice hair.
She said she’s met up with your daughter, and they’re getting on like a house on fire.

How’s your husband? How’s her dad?
    hes having a hard time –
He loves his girls, he loves his family. And you need to tell him she’s at peace and she’s made a good passing and she didn’t suffer. Cuz his minds taking over.

She couldn’t believe how many boys paid tribute to her as well.
And had she got a diploma or a certificate from school?
She said she was there and said “I wouldn’t have missed that for the world.”

She loved music she liked the arts as well, she was creative.
Who draws? Who's the architect? Are you thinking of doing plans around the house or making it bigger?
 Are you playing her music?
She said you are, she said, “guess what, they’re all playing my music.”’
 Ahhh, she’s fun that one.
She’s entertaining the angels that’s for sure and dancing with them.
They used to say in the old days only the good die young and those young beautiful people who die are angels now.
And you know they always give you a run for your money.
They’re always larger than life.
And they’re still around you. She’ll always be around you and when you pass over, which you’re not going anywhere yet,
you’ll meet your daughter exactly the same before she passed over.
She’s more beautiful; she’s really more glittery.
And so you keep your head up, keep yourself busy.

Losing a child and going through a divorce at the same time is horrible.
But you have to go through things.
It takes twelve months to get your head together after the death of a child; it takes two years really to know what you’re doing.
You’ve gotta just take it one step at a time for the next six to twelve months.


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