quiet inspiration

 Taking a break, hitting a serious reset button on my life. Taking time to evaluate and simplify and prioritize the people, the experiences, the importance of all of the things I focus on and give time and energy too.

Sitting quietly on an island staring at the sea, waves, birds, sunshine, and sand. I breathe and feel my heart. I breathe and know everything will be ok. I breathe and tears roll down my cheeks and I feel gratitude to have a body that can feel the streaks of wet. I am so happy to be here now in the middle of the chaos of loss and grief and beauty, magic and inspiration.

My entire world has been shaken, like a snow globe. The cool part is, I didn’t know that there were sparkles on the ground. I never even imagined that if it were shook hard enough that the most beautiful shimmering glitter diamonds would appear everywhere and my life would be surrounded by magic.
My flat world has become alive, multidimensional, fluid.
Every corner, every sunbeam, every picture, even the wind has some thing to offer. I feel the connection to all of life and know that this moment is the most important.


Joseph Capbell~ “I say, follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be”.


  1. I’ve always liked this quote by C.S. Lewis:

    “We don't have a soul. We are a soul. We happen to have a body.”


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