
I have had lots of time to ponder the deeper meanings of life in the past few weeks. My entire world has shut down for a little bit and I am left to think about many things. Something that keeps coming up for me is “What do I believe?”

Dissecting my beliefs one by one asking if they actually make any sense or if I just believe them because I always have.
I realized that beliefs are a unique force in nature that causes things to happen.  They literally are the beginning point of all creation. What’s fascinating about them is they can change according to what we want to experience, but only if we believe so.

For instance, if I had a belief that “I’m fat” running through my mind and I never gave it a question. If I just accepted it then my body, my world, the mirror, would begin to prove my belief to me. In every instance, I would begin to feel uncomfortable in my body. I would loose motivation to eat right and exercise. I would spend my days on the couch feeling sorry for my fat body then ~Whala~ my beliefs come true…

Beliefs are the mental program running the show. They even run the behind the scenes and are so ingrained in everything we cannot see them unless we start to question our world.  When we realize that we create the beliefs in the first place then we put our selves at the helm of the ship. We begin to run our ship as we please and use the mental program for our benefit.

Here are a few more examples.
 I believe we are made up of energy, and energy by definition cannot be destroyed it can be transformed so therefore when we die it is only our bodies that die but our energy continues.

 I believe the part of us that is causing the human fleshy body to walk around is our energy self and it is always connected to something bigger. We are all connected to this bigger something, therefore we have many abilities that can be developed including communication with each other, as well as communicating with those who may not have bodies.

I believe there are no accidents.

I believe that if we do not investigate our beliefs then they will run our life and we will feel helpless and out of control.

I believe that all of us are capable of creating amazing things in this realm. This is why we are here to create.

My challenge to you today, question everything.
Ask yourself “is this true for me in this moment, at this stage of my life with all that I am learning?”
Can I open up to something possibly different?
I believe in either case it doesn’t really matter. That in the end we all eventually leave our bodies and I suspect this stuff will make more sense.

I also believe, there is no right or wrong there is just now and what we choose.

I would love to hear your beliefs on this!!!!


  1. Wow...
    my beliefs...

    I believe that we are all here to achieve a specific goal.

    I believe that some of us are here seeking answers while others of us are here to provide the answers or to connect with a specific someone to achieve a common goal...explaining why some friendships are so immediately intimate.

    I believe that when we die, our souls not only live on in those we leave behind but also as energy that can traverse from this world to the next...and back...hence the feeling of deja vu; the evanescent sighting of someone passing through the corner of your vision or clearly hearing your name called in a voice familiar from childhood.

    I believe that when we die, if we have not achieved our goal...not attained or passed on that nugget of knowledge, that we are allowed to return to this world for another chance...this explains for me that feeling when someone you’ve never met before can look into your eyes and seemingly know deepest thoughts and dreams...uncomfortable yet oddly reassuring.

    I believe that our dreams have meaning whether as a warning; a clue to help you answer a question; deal with a particular circumstance or an assurance from those gone from this life that “it’s really going to be ok”...”I’ve got your back.”

    I believe that our acts of kindness in this life like love will live on long after we are gone. In trying to “be the change that I want to see in the world” through kindness and caring in this life, I will hopefully leave this world a better place.

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