
In San Diego, with my 18 year old daughter, she wanted to go to Sea World for her birthday. I am not a big fan of theme parks but wanted her to enjoy herself.

Earlier in the day we had been talking about what she wanted to do now that she had graduated High School. She was in an overwhelmed and uncertain mood not really having a clue of how to proceed in her life. We talked about intentions and dreaming and allowing her mind to be open to possibilities and how these are attractive forces that will draw the right experiences to her. We also talked about being negative and grumpy and how this too will draw similar experiences to her.

During the day in the theme park I was focusing on enjoying our stay for her sake but as the day continued I felt my self getting tired and grumpy loosing my attitude. She wanted to ride a water ride and told me to wait for her since I was completely opposed to getting wet. I of course wouldn’t have it, I couldn’t possibly let her ride alone, what kind of travel companion would I have been?

While waiting in line I started up with the complaints, I tried to talk her out of the ride, I gave her my list of issues explaining that the ride was stupid and boring and not worth the wait. I explained that we were going to get drenched and will be uncomfortable and cold. She gave me an out again and I denied it complaining and grumbling all the way to the seat of the octagon shaped rubber boat. 
There were 8 seats in all and 6 of us on the boat all facing the middle of the boat and each other. Wouldn’t you know it I was of course the first one to be assaulted by the crashing waves. The boat would turn perfectly each corner so that I would be lined up to be the target zone of the splash. The boat also turned as we were approaching the waterfalls so that the water would fall directly on my head leaving the other 5 untouched. We rode through a zone where other people could shoot us with water guns and guess who was wearing the bulls eye? Some how they all shot me directly with the blasts of water. My daughter loved it and was laughing hysterically the entire ride. She was brilliantly making the connection between my negative complaining energy and the power it had to draw the exact experience I wasn’t wanting directly to me.

After the ride when I had decided to shift my perspective and just enjoy being sopping wet we talked about what an extreme example we both had just witnessed. That this was a perfect event to use in both our lives.  When ever either of us needed a reminder to check our attitudes and intentions we would recall this soaking experience.
We both decided it would be our code word, the name of the ride was Shipwreck.

 Now if one of us sees the other falling in an emotional trap we call out 'Shipwreck' as a reminder that we’re about to get drenched.


  1. Very cool, love reading your insights. I can't think of a more appropriate word to use when negative thoughts are the force of your storm.


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