conversations in the night

Alan: There is no right way or wrong way
there is simply the way you are doing it right now
The light and the dark must exist
at the same time, with out the other neither will exist.
Chaos and structure are both
necessary and both right. The only
difference is the sensors we use when trying to interpret each structure.
Structure is easier to notice and we use our eyes that are made to see in the
light. Chaos is a little messier and requires the use of our touch or feeling. We must
bump up against it (what ever it is) in the dark and make sense of what we are
feeling. A chair in the dark.
Try walking through the house
with out turning on the lights if you run into a chair you must reach out and
feel the chair to know exactly what it is then you may start cursing the person
who left the chair, then you might realize the chair was strategically placed in
order for you to bump up against it and determine that your feeling sensors are
intact and very important in distinguishing your surroundings.
If this were done in a
structured manner then we might of just turned on the light, missed the chair
completely never having to use your feeling sensors but your eyes instead, and
now you are wide awake since the light told your brain its time to get up.
There is no right, there is
only right now. Every thing that we bump up against in the night has its
purpose. Everything here is for your experience of it.
Hate feels yucky,
sadness well that feels tiresome, anger feels like a waste of energy. Sitting
quietly feels delicious, noticing beauty feels enlivening, being inspired feels
powerful. Its all a matter of what you want to feel.
Thanks Al~ now back to bed.
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