surrender 2015
Surrender to agree to stop
fighting, hiding, resisting, etc.,
: to give the control or
use of (something) to someone else.
Surrender is the
intersection between acceptance and change
I am in a place where I
realize that I need guidance. My ego wants to bail on my life and my heart
knows I must stay. I ask my self “what am I doing?” constantly and the only
answer I have is be patient, surrender.
This word “surrender” has been showing itself to me over
and over so I decided to look into it. What does it actually mean to surrender?
Not just surrender to another’s will but to the divine. Surrender to the
universe to my higher power. What does this actually feel like?
So far what I have found
is by simply stating my intention out loud by asking for assistance and
allowing for inspiration and insight, I immediately feel my body relax.
Allowing for guidance is also allowing my muscles to soften my mind to feel
clear and I have a sweet sense that everything will be ok. I believe this
feeling Is Trust. I realize that keeping my mind and heart open I will have
what I need. I can go about my day and the answers and opportunities I need will
come to me.
This is my Goal for the
new Year to Surrender allowing my life to be divinely guided.
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