
I woke early this morning after a full night of tossing and turning. Feeling sleepy I set up my Cuban coffee maker on the stove. While I waited I had a feeling to move my body so I listened. My yoga mat was already laid out on the floor and I stepped on it. My body instinctively knew what to do. I reached my hands to the sky took in a deep breath then lowered my arms exhaling. This felt so good I continued moving this way over and over until the movements became rhythmic and my breathing synchronized. I moved from a place of intuition, pure allowing, and I was amazed at the strange shapes my body created, bending and twisting extending and contracting. Every movement coincided with the breath. I noticed a part of my brain that wanted to judge the movement saying this is not proper yoga. Then a grater part of my self calmed the little voice and assured it that this is in fact the truest yoga around. The literal meaning of the Sanskrit word...