She communicates through music

Strange magical happenings. Malaya and I were visiting my friend Sue in Palm city. We were alone in the house cooking dinner. Malaya wanted to video the peeling away of the butter wrapper, she said it feels satisfying so I helped by holding the camera. We watched the video and strangely there was a music track attached to the video. Neither of us had music playing and the house was completely silent. Sure enough a song was playing in the background of the video. I opened my Shazam app on my phone (Shazam is an app that recognizes music and will display the artist and song being played with in seconds). The song was new to both of us. When we listened to the lovely guitar and the lyrics we both started to cry. A message from Juliana? Later we tried to share the strange video with our friend Sue and the video was silent, the music track that was attached had vanished. In times like these it’s easy to try to explain it away and dismiss the magic that is so clearly being d...