I can't sleep

Cant sleep its 3am my mind is freaking out. What is going on, what am I to do with myself? I feel an overwhelming dark cloud of grief and worry swirling around me. My thoughts are of my children and their safety, how I need to keep them safe and literally cannot. Their lives are their own and I am here as a witness. I get to marvel in their world but it does not belong to me. Nothing belongs to me. My fear has got a hold of my thoughts and is twisting my perception to one of despair, anguish, anxiety and torment. I decide to get out of bed I need to do something other than flip and flop in my sleepless state. I sit in the shower the warm water feels soothing on my skin. I then make my way down stairs for a cup of tea and my journal. Some how I know that I can work this out in writing. Writing has helped in so many ways, it seems that when the thoughts are translated into words on paper I can make sense of them. Here’s what I came up with. ...