I have loved you before and I will l love you after. There is no real separation only a forgetting. A forgetting that I am you and you are me, we are all the same. My time in this forgetful place is but a moment. An experience of what I am not and then a remembering of what I am. A prison of flesh and emotion will cloud my essence but I know I will remember and I will help others remember and we will all be back together and whole. All of us. I feel what I have known for a longtime I AM This is so clear, Everything, good, bad, ugly, happy, holy, evil, wealthy, sick, all of humanity, all of nature, and universe, I am, All of it. I feel it coursing through my veins, my body knows, she knows. I want to run around screaming, I get it, I get it. Wake up everyone, we are all the same! Wake up this is just a game. This is not real. My heart is so full; this flesh is holding me back. I love this skin, I love this experience, I am left with a deep desire ...