
Showing posts from March, 2014

Letting go and being

Letter to a friend - funny how we teach what we need to learn! in order to move into a created future you have to solve the past. we all have to come to terms with it. Even if there is a feeling of " oh what ever its the past" we all need to create a way of letting things go. Writing letters to the significant people in our past is a way of doing that. its a way of acknowledging who you were and the people involved then letting those things go and moving forward into a place you create from your deepest desire. i know it sounds hokey but when you start to notice the thoughts and filters that were placed there by others then you can change them. you can choose what to accept and believe.  this takes us into a new realm of belief. Belief is the strongest power we have. What you believe about yourself will create you. What you believe about the world will create your world. The mind is always looking for evidence of your beliefs. Heres the cool part you can choose ...


Mom…. One day, while rocking by the fire in the dimly lit room I saw my mother a quick subtle glance and she was there a magical moment  when my reflection was not me a transformation an overlapping I saw her face staring back at me in the mirror my breath stopped the moment etched in my mind forever I saw a young woman with hopes, dreams, and love I saw many aspirations I saw beauty I felt the innocence The desire to be I felt the fear of not being enough I felt the call the embrace, her cry her life spilling into mine her treasures her gifts I so greatly adore to look through her eyes the world is rosy I have adopted the glasses I gladly embrace the whole of me. 


Conversion… Gratitude is the answer, the one component that can convert any emotion into its necessary form. With the feeling of gratitude joy can fully flow and pain is then so small it can be laughed at.

lithium inspiration

Lithium inspiration…… You say you need  consistency How about the sunrise A continual grantee Unless of course you’r called to go (some how I think you’ll still see it) You Need stability Put your hands in the soil Let it filter through your finger feel the wholeness of what this earth offers. You want unwavering strength Then let the wind blow through you Do not fight its mighty force But instead sway ever so slightly Like the ancient redwood with her roots planted so firmly You say you really want to live Well dismiss fear from your vocabulary Allow the confusion of the unknown guide you here Draw power from those around you seek wisdom from those who have gone Give yourself fully to life Now! I wrote this one when I was blinded by the sun rise and had to pull over. I have been told that sunrise and sunset are the only times when we absorb lithium from the sun. Through our eyes.

aged understanding

Birthday….. With each new wrinkle comes a new insight. With each gray hair comes faith Each sunset brings new hope. Why is it so hard to see through the eyes of youth? Why does change require the absence of innocence? Understanding only comes when time is of the essence. 


Flowing poetry… Poetry flows within me as waves upon the sand Like the wind as it tickles the leaves Or the sun that wrinkles the Hand Time is of the essence Life is great and full Joy is ours for the taking Love has no control