Letting go and being

Letter to a friend - funny how we teach what we need to learn! in order to move into a created future you have to solve the past. we all have to come to terms with it. Even if there is a feeling of " oh what ever its the past" we all need to create a way of letting things go. Writing letters to the significant people in our past is a way of doing that. its a way of acknowledging who you were and the people involved then letting those things go and moving forward into a place you create from your deepest desire. i know it sounds hokey but when you start to notice the thoughts and filters that were placed there by others then you can change them. you can choose what to accept and believe. this takes us into a new realm of belief. Belief is the strongest power we have. What you believe about yourself will create you. What you believe about the world will create your world. The mind is always looking for evidence of your beliefs. Heres the cool part you can choose ...