Infinite Possibilities

Welcome to the world of infinite possibilities. It’s an amazing ride that will scare the shit out of you but is so incredibly inspiring and worth every scream. What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Every failure is just a course correction. We are always being fine tuned and guided to live our most glorious versions of our selves in every moment. The key is to trust that The Universe has got your back. The things you want Source wants for you, If you are willing to move even an inch in that direction Source will move mountains to accommodate you. I am only now figuring this out. Little by little this game has been revealing itself to me. I understand that every thing I think, feel, and do has an impact on the life that is showing up for me. My daughter’s death has taught me that tomorrow is not a guarantee. Now is the only time I have. Now, this moment, not ‘some day’ or ‘maybe another time’. There is only now and in this now everything is possible. The ke...