surrendering to life

Memory A young 24 year old pregnant woman crying in a heap on the bathroom floor. Pleading to God to just make it end. I was begging God to take away my life and end the misery. The pain was tremendous and I knew I couldn’t bare it for one more day. At the time my husband and I and two little children lived in house in San Diego with several other people. The house was rented by the owner of the company we worked for. We rented a small bedroom from him. We were both working for a direct sales and marketing company and had nothing to our name except a few suit cases, an air mattress, (we slept on with our toddler son), and a playpen set up as my baby daughters makeshift crib. Our bags were stacked around the tiny room. My husband and I had to put our two little ones into a day care in order to go out into the sales field daily just to make enough money to buy milk and diapers maybe remain noodles for that day. My son pretty much lived off of peanut butter. Durin...