Fast forward, How do you want it to be?

Fast forward How do I want it to be? This little question has changed my life. I’ll explain. I have been plagued with an over active imagination, I have spent 90% of my life in my own mind thinking, wondering, pondering contemplating, conjuring, complaining, worrying, stressing, fighting. Only recently have I even realized that most of what I think isn’t real. Its just my mind running around in circles making me crazy. It feels as if my mind has a need to stay busy, active, moving so that I feel productive and important. Gaining control of this run away freight train has been quite a challenge. My thoughts have now decided the best time of attack is the middle of the night, usually around 3am. I wake with tremendous anxiety about everything. There have been nights I’m completely drenched in sweat any my jaw hurts and other nights where I feel such a debilitating fear I cannot move or breathe. Why am I telling you about this part of my life? Some how I know that we a...