Past lives present understanding

Soul mate regression I’m on a deserted island hungry and thirsty and dying. I know my days are limited and I’m so full of anger. The man who left me was the captain of our ship at that time and I’m not sure what I did to deserve to be exiled but that is not important, the fact was I was left to die and am now ending that life with so much hatred and anger in my heart. I curse God and ask to die, wishing to end my pain and anguish. I recognize the captain he is my husband in this life. The next life is one of an American Indian. I am chief of a beautiful tribe my whole life is about caring and justice my wife who I adored completely is my now husband in this life and he/she has anger towards me. She is filled with jealousy because of my power in the tribe. She secretly hates me. Our tribe is massacred while I’m watching and my beautiful family perishes. I cannot save them. We come together again this time he is my husband and I have a deep seeded resentment towards him....