The Answer to the Universe

I woke up this morning and realized something spectacular. The love I’m waiting for is me. I remember hearing this years ago and at that point it had an impact however, as all things come and go, I completely forgot. I’ve been wandering around this planet looking for my love, looking for my passion, looking for my purpose, and going to bed at night feeling empty, dissatisfied, sad. Something shifted and this morning feels different. I feel excited! I feel alive! I feel like singing to the world what a beautiful amazing day it is. I remembered. How completely simple and profound. I wish this feeling on everyone. To love~ The next part of this equation is the most important. The Love I wish to experience can only come from the love I give. The love I express wholeheartedly unconditionally is mine to keep. The expression of Being Love, allows me to completely dive into my purpose my pas...