Lessons from Mexico This trip was a spontaneous decision, which came about over lunch at our local Mexican restaurant. My son and I were having a post work out meal when we ran into some friends having their lunch. We chatted and showed pictures of some fun partner yoga postures. I of course boasting about how strong my 19 yr old boy is and then they asked if I would like to go to Mexico with them. Without hesitation I agreed and that was it. Two days later I purchased my ticket and two weeks after that was on a plane to visit a country that at one point was my home. Traveling alone as I like it. On my journey I decided that this would be a great opportunity to dive deep into my meditative self and focus on simply being present. This is what I discovered. First of all this was the first trip I took with no real agenda, it was just a vacation simply for the sake of taking a vacation. I have traveled many places but each of those trips had a purpose, so...